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Information for Adult #1
Parent's Information
Yahrzeits Observed
Please note that we have provided room for 3 Yahrzeits on this form. If you require more, you will be able to provide additional information once your form is submitted and your account is active.
Information for Adult #2
Children's Information
Membership Commitment & Enrollment Information Our Suggested contribution level is based around a "Sustaining Level," which is the average amount needed from each member household to sustain the operations, facilities, programs, and services at Adat Ari El. This excludes Adat Ari El schools, which will continue to remain funded primarily though tuition. The endowment remains independent.
This Year's Sustainability Amount: Our Sustainability amount for the 2024-2025 year is $3,650.
Adat Ari El Security Information
Emergency Contact Information
Primary Emergency Contact
Secondary Emergency Contact
Vehicle Information
Please note that you will only receive a vehicle sticker in the mail if you fill out information for each vehicle. We require license plate information. Additional vehicle sticker requests may be submitted to the office and we encourage you to call for assistance if you require additional stickers. If you walk or bike to campus or don't own/operate a motor vehicle, please write "None" in the required fields below. You will receive a Walk-On Security Pass from our office if we see this in your form.
First Vehicle
Second Vehicle
Third Vehicle
In applying for Adat Ari El membership, I agree to conform to the By-Laws and to honor all monetary pledges to the congregation. (If you would like a copy of the By-Laws sent to you via e-mail, please contact the office.)
Please sign electronically below:
I/We understand that all resignations from Adat Ari El MUST be received in writing by the administrative office no later than 30 days prior to the effective resignation date.