B'nai Mitzvah
Becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah means acknowledging that this ancient, wise, dispersed and diverse people are your people. Guided by our Rabbis, Cantor and tutors, your child will develop the skill to chant in Hebrew, explore an individual connection to prayer and texts, and engage in making a commitment to Tikkun Olam. Our program includes family education, meetings and study with our clergy, small group classes, and one-on-one tutoring. One family at a time, we are here to help our learners flourish and acquire the tools to add their voices to the story of our tradition.
From Start to Simcha - A summary of our B'nai Mitzvah Program
To learn more about our B'nai Mitzvah process please contact Debra Peterkofsky
Here are materials that will guide you through the B'nai Mitzvah process. Click here for Shacharit Resources.
For the B'nai Mitzvah student:
For the B'nai Mitzvah parent:
We've created a list of MP3s that will help you prepare!
Click the prayer you'd like to study and press play: